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SQLAlchemy SELECT WITH sats/sats (pgsql)

Denna kodbit från författaren till SQLAlchemy i denna e-posttråd kan vara till hjälp

q1 = s.query(distinct(Appl.refid), Appl).\ 
        order_by(Appl.refid, Appl.appldate.desc()) 

q1 = q1.cte('distinct_query') 
q2 = s.query(q1).order_by(q1.c.lastname, q1.c.firstname) 

utdata som:

WITH distinct_query AS 
(SELECT DISTINCT appl.refid AS anon_1, appl.id AS id, appl.firstname AS     firstname, appl.lastname AS lastname, appl.refid AS refid, appl.appldate AS appldate 
FROM appl 
WHERE appl.lastname ILIKE %(lastname_1)s AND appl.firstname ILIKE %(firstname_1)s GROUP BY appl.id, appl.firstname, appl.lastname, appl.refid, appl.appldate ORDER BY appl.refid, appl.appldate DESC) 
 SELECT distinct_query.anon_1 AS distinct_query_anon_1, distinct_query.id AS distinct_query_id, distinct_query.firstname AS distinct_query_firstname, distinct_query.lastname AS distinct_query_lastname, distinct_query.refid AS distinct_query_refid, distinct_query.appldate AS distinct_query_appldate 
FROM distinct_query ORDER BY distinct_query.lastname, distinct_query.firstname 

  1. Hur man använder i klausul i underfråga

  2. Hur sammanfogar man kolumner i en Postgres SELECT?

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  4. PDO UTF-8-kodningsproblem?