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mysql-fråga för att välja alla utom något

Tänk på det här exemplet...

 SELECT * FROM recipes;
 | recipe_id | recipe                          |
 |         6 | Beans & Macaroni                |
 |         9 | Beans on Jacket Potato          |
 |         3 | Beans on Toast                  |
 |        10 | Cheese & Beans on Jacket Potato |
 |         4 | Cheese & Beans on Toast         |
 |         2 | Cheese on Toast                 |
 |         1 | Macaroni & Cheese               |
 |        12 | Peanut Butter on Toast          |
 |         5 | Toast & Jam                     |

 SELECT * FROM recipe_ingredient;
 | recipe_id | ingredient_id |
 |         1 |             1 |
 |         1 |             2 |
 |         2 |             2 |
 |         2 |             4 |
 |         3 |             3 |
 |         3 |             4 |
 |         4 |             2 |
 |         4 |             3 |
 |         4 |             4 |
 |         5 |             4 |
 |         5 |             5 |
 |         6 |             1 |
 |         6 |             3 |
 |         9 |             3 |
 |         9 |             6 |
 |        10 |             2 |
 |        10 |             3 |
 |        10 |             6 |
 |        12 |             4 |
 |        12 |             7 |

 SELECT * FROM ingredients;
 | ingredient_id | ingredient    |
 |             3 | Beans         |
 |             2 | Cheese        |
 |             6 | Jacket Potato |
 |             5 | Jam           |
 |             1 | Macaroni      |
 |             7 | Peanut Butter |
 |             4 | Toast         |

Följande returnerar en lista över alla recept och de ingredienser som krävs för att konstruera dem...

      , i.*
   FROM recipes r
   JOIN recipe_ingredient ri
     ON ri.recipe_id = r.recipe_id
   JOIN ingredients i
     ON i.ingredient_id = ri.ingredient_id;
 | recipe_id | recipe                          | ingredient_id | ingredient    |
 |         6 | Beans & Macaroni                |             1 | Macaroni      |
 |         6 | Beans & Macaroni                |             3 | Beans         |
 |         9 | Beans on Jacket Potato          |             3 | Beans         |
 |         9 | Beans on Jacket Potato          |             6 | Jacket Potato |
 |         3 | Beans on Toast                  |             3 | Beans         |
 |         3 | Beans on Toast                  |             4 | Toast         |
 |        10 | Cheese & Beans on Jacket Potato |             2 | Cheese        |
 |        10 | Cheese & Beans on Jacket Potato |             3 | Beans         |
 |        10 | Cheese & Beans on Jacket Potato |             6 | Jacket Potato |
 |         4 | Cheese & Beans on Toast         |             2 | Cheese        |
 |         4 | Cheese & Beans on Toast         |             3 | Beans         |
 |         4 | Cheese & Beans on Toast         |             4 | Toast         |
 |         2 | Cheese on Toast                 |             2 | Cheese        |
 |         2 | Cheese on Toast                 |             4 | Toast         |
 |         1 | Macaroni & Cheese               |             1 | Macaroni      |
 |         1 | Macaroni & Cheese               |             2 | Cheese        |
 |        12 | Peanut Butter on Toast          |             4 | Toast         |
 |        12 | Peanut Butter on Toast          |             7 | Peanut Butter |
 |         5 | Toast & Jam                     |             4 | Toast         |
 |         5 | Toast & Jam                     |             5 | Jam           |

Låt oss nu anta att vi har ett skafferi som innehåller ost, bönor och rostat bröd. Vad kan vi konstruera med ENDAST dessa ingredienser?

      , SUM(CASE WHEN ingredient IN ('Cheese','Beans','Toast') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) x
      , COUNT(*) y
   FROM recipes r
   JOIN recipe_ingredient ri ON ri.recipe_id = r.recipe_id
   JOIN ingredients i ON i.ingredient_id = ri.ingredient_id
     BY r.recipe_id;
 | recipe_id | recipe                          | x    | y |
 |         1 | Macaroni & Cheese               |    1 | 2 |
 |         2 | Cheese on Toast                 |    2 | 2 | <-- 
 |         3 | Beans on Toast                  |    2 | 2 | <--
 |         4 | Cheese & Beans on Toast         |    3 | 3 | <-- *
 |         5 | Toast & Jam                     |    1 | 2 |
 |         6 | Beans & Macaroni                |    1 | 2 |
 |         9 | Beans on Jacket Potato          |    1 | 2 |
 |        10 | Cheese & Beans on Jacket Potato |    2 | 3 |
 |        12 | Peanut Butter on Toast          |    1 | 2 |

 x = y : recipes use only those ingredients found in the pantry.

 x = y = total no of ingredients in pantry : recipes using EXACTLY the ingredients found in the pantry

Detta kan skrivas om så...

   FROM recipes r
   JOIN recipe_ingredient ri ON ri.recipe_id = r.recipe_id
   JOIN ingredients i ON i.ingredient_id = ri.ingredient_id
     BY r.recipe_id
 HAVING  SUM(CASE WHEN ingredient IN ('Cheese','Beans','Toast') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = COUNT(*);

  1. Hur kan jag använda förberedda uttalanden i CodeIgniter

  2. Snabbaste sättet att subset - data.table vs. MySQL

  3. Hur man byter namn på tabell i MySQL

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