Du måste göra en 3-vägs JOIN:
SELECT p.*, d.content AS age
FROM people AS p
JOIN details AS d ON d.person_id = p.id
JOIN taxonomy AS t ON t.id = d.detail_id
WHERE t.taxonomy = 'age'
Eller om du redan har skapat tabellen kan du göra:
INSERT INTO new_table (id, last_name, first_name, email, age)
SELECT p.id, p.last_name, p.first_name, p.email, d.content AS age
FROM people AS p
JOIN details AS d ON d.person_id = p.id
JOIN taxonomy AS t ON t.id = d.detail_id
WHERE t.taxonomy = 'age'
För att få flera attribut måste du ansluta med detaljerna och taxonomitabellerna separat för varje attribut:
SELECT p.*, d1.content AS age, d2.content AS gender, d3.content AS height
FROM people AS p
JOIN details AS d1 ON d1.person_id = p.id
JOIN taxonomy AS t1 ON t1.id = d1.detail_id
JOIN details AS d2 ON d2.person_id = p.id
JOIN taxonomy AS t2 ON t2.id = d2.detail_id
JOIN details AS d3 ON d3.person_id = p.id
JOIN taxonomy AS t3 ON t3.id = d3.detail_id
WHERE t1.taxonomy = 'age' AND t2.taxonomy = 'gender' AND t3.taxonomy = 'height'