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MySql-databasstruktur för:Sök baserat på en kolumn och olika värden

prova detta:

create table City
     Id int,
     Name varchar(50)

    insert into City (Id, Name) 
    (1, 'Toronto'), 
    (2, 'Chicago')

    create table Libraries(
    Id int,
    Name varchar(50),
    CityId int

    insert into Libraries (Id, Name, CityId) 
    (1, 'Toronto Library 1', 1),
    (2, 'Toronto Library 2', 1),
    (3, 'Chicago Library 1', 2),
    (4, 'Chicago Library 2', 2)

    create table Books(
    Id int,
    Isbn varchar(12),
    LibraryId int

    insert into Books (Id, Isbn, LibraryId) 
    (1, '1234567891', 1),
    (2, '13344555', 1),
    (3, 'x123sada', 1),
    (4, 'xasdsadas', 2),
    (5, 'axxzksda', 2)

    select DISTINCT b.Name 
    from Books a
    inner join Libraries b
    on a.LibraryId = b.Id
    where Isbn in ('1234567891', '13344555')
    and b.CityId = 1

Edit:eller 4NF:

create table City
 Id int,
 Name varchar(50)

insert into City (Id, Name) 
(1, 'Toronto'), 
(2, 'Chicago')

create table Libraries(
Id int,
Name varchar(50),
CityId int

insert into Libraries (Id, Name, CityId) 
(1, 'Toronto Library 1', 1),
(2, 'Toronto Library 2', 1),
(3, 'Chicago Library 1', 2),
(4, 'Chicago Library 2', 2)

create table Books(
Id int,
Isbn varchar(12),

insert into Books (Id, Isbn) 
(1, '1234567891'),
(2, '13344555'),
(3, 'x123sada'),
(4, 'xasdsadas'),
(5, 'axxzksda')

create table LibraryBooks
LibraryId int,
BookId int

insert into LibraryBooks (LibraryId, BookId)
(1, 1),
(1, 2),
(3, 1),
(2, 4),
(5, 2)

select DISTINCT c.Name
from Books a
inner join LibraryBooks b
on a.Id = b.BookId
inner join Libraries c on
c.Id = b.LibraryId
where Isbn in ('1234567891', '13344555')
and c.CityId = 1

  1. MySQL Query Optimization - inre frågor

  2. Kontrollera om det finns ett värde i Postgres-arrayen

  3. Docker:Kombinera flera bilder

  4. Hur exporterar man mysql-databas till en annan dator?