Något sånt här...
SELECT t1.received_id
, t1.transaction_id
, t1.date_modified
, l.location
FROM transactions t1
JOIN ( SELECT received_id, MAX(date_modified) maxmodify FROM transactions GROUP BY received_id) max_record
ON max_record.received_id = t1.received_id
AND max_record.maxmodify = t1.date_modified
JOIN locations l
ON l.location_id = t1.location_id
JOIN received r
ON r.received_id = t1.received_id
WHERE t1.received_id = '1782'
BY t1.date_modified DESC
vars kärna är denna...
FROM my_table x
JOIN (SELECT id,MAX(thing) max_thing FROM my_table GROUP BY id) y
ON y.id = x.id
AND y.max_thing = x.thing;