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Knepigt GROUP BY-nummer på ORACLE

I Oracle 11 kan du använda pivot satsen tillsammans med unpivot klausul:

count_table as (
     select 1001 device_id,  4 quantity from dual union all
     select 1002 device_id, 20 quantity from dual union all
     select 1003 device_id,  1 quantity from dual 
device_table as (
     select 1001 id, 'Yes'     wifi, 'No'       email, 'No'  bluetooth from dual union all
     select 1002 id, 'Yes'     wifi, 'Yes'      email, 'No'  bluetooth from dual union all
     select 1003 id, 'Unknown' wifi, 'Unknown'  email, 'Yes' bluetooth from dual 
select * from (
        sum(quantity)  quantity
         count_table  c join 
         device_table d on c.device_id = d.id
      unpivot  ( yes_no_unknown
                 for feature in (wifi, email, bluetooth)
      group by 
pivot ( sum (quantity)
        for yes_no_unknown in ('Yes' as yes, 'No' as no, 'Unknown' as unknown)

Alternativt kanske du vill koppla de två befintliga tabellerna till en tredje tabell som innehåller värdena för de tre önskade raderna. Det är förmodligen lite lättare att läsa också:

count_table as (
     select 1001 device_id,  4 quantity from dual union all
     select 1002 device_id, 20 quantity from dual union all
     select 1003 device_id,  1 quantity from dual 
device_table as (
     select 1001 id, 'Yes'     wifi, 'No'       email, 'No'  bluetooth from dual union all
     select 1002 id, 'Yes'     wifi, 'Yes'      email, 'No'  bluetooth from dual union all
     select 1003 id, 'Unknown' wifi, 'Unknown'  email, 'Yes' bluetooth from dual 
   sum(case when ( f.txt = 'wifi'      and d.wifi      = 'Yes' ) or
                 ( f.txt = 'email'     and d.email     = 'Yes' ) or
                 ( f.txt = 'bluetooth' and d.bluetooth = 'Yes' ) 
            then   c.quantity
            else   0 end
      ) yes,
   sum(case when ( f.txt = 'wifi'      and d.wifi      = 'No' ) or
                 ( f.txt = 'email'     and d.email     = 'No' ) or
                 ( f.txt = 'bluetooth' and d.bluetooth = 'No' ) 
            then   c.quantity
            else   0 end
      ) no,
   sum(case when ( f.txt = 'wifi'      and d.wifi      = 'Unknown' ) or
                 ( f.txt = 'email'     and d.email     = 'Unknown' ) or
                 ( f.txt = 'bluetooth' and d.bluetooth = 'Unknown' ) 
            then   c.quantity
            else   0 end
      ) unknown
   count_table  c                                   join 
   device_table d on c.device_id = d.id     cross   join
        select 'wifi'      txt from dual union all
        select 'email'     txt from dual union all
        select 'bluetooth' txt from dual
   ) f
group by 

  1. Ansluta till en MySQL-databas med Xcode och Objective-C

  2. Hur man analyserar xml med valfria element

  3. Installera MySQL Workbench för databasadministration

  4. Spara CSV-filer i mysql-databasen