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använder postgresql gem async

pg biblioteket ger fullt stöd för PostgreSQL:s asynkrona API. Jag har lagt till ett exempel om hur man använder den till samples/ katalog:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

require 'pg'

# This is a example of how to use the asynchronous API to query the
# server without blocking other threads. It's intentionally low-level;
# if you hooked up the PGconn#socket to some kind of reactor, you
# could make this much nicer.

TIMEOUT = 5.0 # seconds to wait for an async operation to complete
    :host     => 'localhost',
    :dbname   => 'test',
    :user     => 'jrandom',
    :password => 'banks!stealUR$',

# Print 'x' continuously to demonstrate that other threads aren't
# blocked while waiting for the connection, for the query to be sent,
# for results, etc. You might want to sleep inside the loop or 
# comment this out entirely for cleaner output.
progress_thread = Thread.new { loop { print 'x' } }

# Output progress messages
def output_progress( msg )
    puts "\n>>> #{msg}\n"

# Start the connection
output_progress "Starting connection..."
conn = PGconn.connect_start( CONN_OPTS ) or 
    abort "Unable to create a new connection!"
abort "Connection failed: %s" % [ conn.error_message ] if
    conn.status == PGconn::CONNECTION_BAD

# Now grab a reference to the underlying socket so we know when the
# connection is established
socket = IO.for_fd( conn.socket )

# Track the progress of the connection, waiting for the socket to 
# become readable/writable before polling it
poll_status = PGconn::PGRES_POLLING_WRITING
until poll_status == PGconn::PGRES_POLLING_OK ||
      poll_status == PGconn::PGRES_POLLING_FAILED

    # If the socket needs to read, wait 'til it becomes readable to
    # poll again
    case poll_status
        output_progress "  waiting for socket to become readable"
        select( [socket], nil, nil, TIMEOUT ) or
            raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!"

    # ...and the same for when the socket needs to write
        output_progress "  waiting for socket to become writable"
        select( nil, [socket], nil, TIMEOUT ) or
            raise "Asynchronous connection timed out!"

    # Output a status message about the progress
    case conn.status
        output_progress "  waiting for connection to be made."
    when PGconn::CONNECTION_MADE
        output_progress "  connection OK; waiting to send."
        output_progress "  waiting for a response from the server."
        output_progress "  received authentication; waiting for " +
                        "backend start-up to finish."
        output_progress "  negotiating SSL encryption."
        output_progress "  negotiating environment-driven " +
                        "parameter settings."

    # Check to see if it's finished or failed yet
    poll_status = conn.connect_poll

abort "Connect failed: %s" % [ conn.error_message ] unless 
    conn.status == PGconn::CONNECTION_OK

output_progress "Sending query"
conn.send_query( "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity" )

# Fetch results until there aren't any more
loop do
    output_progress "  waiting for a response"

    # Buffer any incoming data on the socket until a full result 
    # is ready. 
    while conn.is_busy
        select( [socket], nil, nil, TIMEOUT ) or
            raise "Timeout waiting for query response."

    # Fetch the next result. If there isn't one, the query is 
    # finished
    result = conn.get_result or break

    puts "\n\nQuery result:\n%p\n" % [ result.values ]

output_progress "Done."

if defined?( progress_thread )

Jag rekommenderar att du läser dokumentationen på PQconnectStart funktionen och asynkron kommandobearbetning avsnittet i PostgreSQL-manualen och jämför sedan det med exemplet ovan.

Jag har inte använt EventMachine tidigare, men om den låter dig registrera en socket och återuppringningar när den blir läsbar/skrivbar, skulle jag tro att det skulle vara ganska enkelt att integrera databasanrop i den.

Jag har tänkt använda idéerna i Ilya Grigoriks artikel om att använda fibrer för att rensa upp händelsekod för att göra async API enklare att använda, men det är långt borta. Jag har en biljett öppna att spåra det om du är intresserad/motiverad att göra det själv.

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