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Hur överför man pandas DataFrame till PostgreSQL-tabellen?

Om du använder PostgreSQL 9.5 eller senare kan du utföra UPSERT med en temporär tabell och en INSERT ... ON CONFLICT uttalande:

import sqlalchemy as sa

# …

with engine.begin() as conn:
    # step 0.0 - create test environment
    conn.execute(sa.text("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS main_table"))
            "CREATE TABLE main_table (id int primary key, txt varchar(50))"
            "INSERT INTO main_table (id, txt) VALUES (1, 'row 1 old text')"
    # step 0.1 - create DataFrame to UPSERT
    df = pd.DataFrame(
        [(2, "new row 2 text"), (1, "row 1 new text")], columns=["id", "txt"]
    # step 1 - create temporary table and upload DataFrame
            "CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table (id int primary key, txt varchar(50))"
    df.to_sql("temp_table", conn, index=False, if_exists="append")

    # step 2 - merge temp_table into main_table
            INSERT INTO main_table (id, txt) 
            SELECT id, txt FROM temp_table
            ON CONFLICT (id) DO
                UPDATE SET txt = EXCLUDED.txt

    # step 3 - confirm results
    result = conn.execute(sa.text("SELECT * FROM main_table ORDER BY id")).fetchall()
    print(result)  # [(1, 'row 1 new text'), (2, 'new row 2 text')]

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