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Hur bygger man en hybrid_metod som räknar antalet poster från de senaste X dagarna?

Nedan finns det (nästan) fullständiga kodavsnittet:

# ... omitted import statements and session configuration

def _date(date_str):
    return datetime.strptime(date_str, "%Y-%m-%d")

class Match(Base):
    __tablename__ = "match"

    match_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    date = Column(Date, nullable=False)

    def match_count(self, timespan_days):
        cut_off = self.date - timedelta(days=timespan_days)
        sess = object_session(self)
        M = Match
        q = (
            # .filter(M.match_id != self.match_id)  # option-1: only other on the same day
            .filter(M.match_id < self.match_id)  # option-2: only smaller-id on the same day (as in OP)
            .filter(M.date <= self.date)
            .filter(M.date >= cut_off)
        return q.count()

    def match_count(cls, timespan_days):
        M = aliased(Match, name="other")
        cut_off = cls.date - timespan_days
        q = (
            # .filter(Match.match_id != self.match_id)  # option-1: only other on the same day
            .where(M.match_id < cls.match_id)  # option-2: only smaller-id on the same day (as in OP)
            .where(M.date <= cls.date)
            .where(M.date >= cut_off)
        return q.label("match_count")

def test():

    from sys import version_info as py_version
    from sqlalchemy import __version__ as sa_version

    print(f"PY version={py_version}")
    print(f"SA version={sa_version}")
    print(f"SA engine={engine.name}")
    print("=" * 80)

    # 1. test data
    matches = [
    print("=" * 80)

    # 2. test query in "in-memory"
    for m in session.query(Match):
        print(m, m.match_count(3))
    print("=" * 80)

    # 3. test query on "SQL"
    q = session.query(Match, Match.match_count(3))
    for match, match_count in q:
        print(match, match_count)
    print("=" * 80)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Koden ovan ger följande utdata:

PY version=sys.version_info(major=3, minor=8, micro=1, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
SA version=1.3.20
SA engine=postgresql
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 1), match_id=1)> 0
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 2), match_id=2)> 1
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 3), match_id=3)> 2
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 5), match_id=4)> 2
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 5), match_id=5)> 3
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 10), match_id=6)> 0
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 1), match_id=1)> 0
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 2), match_id=2)> 1
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 3), match_id=3)> 2
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 5), match_id=4)> 2
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 5), match_id=5)> 3
<Match(date=datetime.date(2020, 1, 10), match_id=6)> 0

medan frågan q skulle vilja ha nedan (i postgresql ):

SELECT match.match_id,

  (SELECT count(other.match_id) AS count_1
   FROM match AS other
   WHERE other.match_id < match.match_id
     AND other.date <= match.date
     AND other.date >= match.date - %(date_1)s) AS match_count
FROM match

En sak jag skulle vilja påpeka är att "in-memory"-kontrollen inte är särskilt effektiv, eftersom man måste fråga databasen för varje Match exempel. Därför skulle jag använda den sista frågan om möjligt.

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