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Symfony 3.4 Inga metadataklasser att bearbeta Fel

Ja äntligen upptäckte jag att problemet är med John.orm.php fil som genereras när jag körde php bin/console doctrine:generate:entity

Jag har skapat Entity class med följande kommando

php bin/console doctrine:generate:entity

Då kommer det att fråga till

Welcome to the Doctrine2 entity generator

This command helps you generate Doctrine2 entities.

First, you need to give the entity name you want to generate.
You must use the shortcut notation like AcmeBlogBundle:Post.

The Entity shortcut name: AppBundle:John

Determine the format to use for the mapping information.

Configuration format (yml, xml, php, or annotation) [annotation]: php

Instead of starting with a blank entity, you can add some fields now.
Note that the primary key will be added automatically (named id).

Available types: array, simple_array, json_array, object,
boolean, integer, smallint, bigint, string, text, datetime, datetimetz,
date, time, decimal, float, binary, blob, guid.

New field name (press <return> to stop adding fields): id
 Field "id" is already defined.
New field name (press <return> to stop adding fields): username
Field type [string]: string
Field length [255]:
Is nullable [false]: true
Unique [false]: false

New field name (press <return> to stop adding fields): password
Field type [string]:
Field length [255]:
Is nullable [false]: true
Unique [false]:

New field name (press <return> to stop adding fields): dob
Field type [string]: date
Is nullable [false]: true
Unique [false]:

New field name (press <return> to stop adding fields):

  Entity generation

  created .\src\AppBundle/Entity/John.php
  created .\src\AppBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/
  created .\src\AppBundle/Resources/config/doctrine/John.orm.php
> Generating entity class G:\XAMPP\htdocs\project\src\AppBundle\Entity\John.php:
> Generating repository class G:\XAMPP\htdocs\project\src\AppBundle\Repository\J
ohnRepository.php: OK!
> Generating mapping file G:\XAMPP\htdocs\project\src\AppBundle\Resources\config
\doctrine\John.orm.php: OK!

  Everything is OK! Now get to work :).


Och efter framgång kommer den att skapa entitetsklass i AppBundle\Entity; mapp och arkivklass i AppBundle\Repository; den kommer också att generera John.orm.php i AppBundle\Resources\config\doctrine\John.orm.php

Efter att ha tagit bort filen John.orm.php om jag kör php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force då genererar den tabeller.

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