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Hur kan du visa noll i rad med år och månadsdynamik i ett intervall?

Fint pussel :)

Du kan skapa en tabell som innehåller år och månad som behövs under 12 månaders intervall och sedan göra en yttre sammanfogning på den:

SET @var_year = '2013'
SET @var_month = '12'

SELECT @row := @row + (case when right(@row,2) = "12" then 89 else 1 end) as YearMonth 
(select 0 union all select 1 union all select 3 union all 
 select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all 
 select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all 
 select 9 union all select 10 union all select 11) t,
(SELECT @row:=CONCAT(@var_year,right(concat('0',(@var_month-1)),2))) r

Kommer att ge :

| YearMonth |
|    201312 |
|    201401 |
|    201402 |
|    201403 |
|    201404 |
|    201405 |
|    201406 |
|    201407 |
|    201408 |
|    201409 |
|    201410 |
|    201411 |

Så prova detta (exempel med 2014 som år och 1 som månad) :

SQL Fiddle

MySQL 5.5 Schema Setup :

CREATE TABLE creations(`id` int, `created_at` date )

INSERT INTO creations
    (`id`, `created_at`)
    (1, '2013-12-11'),
    (2, '2014-01-11'),
    (3, '2014-01-21'),
    (4, '2014-01-12'),
    (5, '2014-02-22'),    
    (6, '2014-02-13'),
    (7, '2014-03-12'),    
    (8, '2014-04-23'),
    (9, '2014-05-23'),

**Fråga **:

SET @var_year = '2014'
SET @var_month = '1'

SELECT count(created_at) AS count_all,
       left(YearMonth,4) as actual_year,
       right(YearMonth,2) as actual_month 
SELECT @row := @row + (case when right(@row,2) = "12" then 89 else 1 end) as YearMonth FROM 
(select 0 union all select 1 union all select 3 union all 
 select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all 
 select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all 
 select 9 union all select 10 union all select 11) t,
(SELECT @row:=CONCAT(@var_year,right(concat('0',(@var_month-1)),2))) r
) as YearMonthTable
  CONCAT(year(created_at),right(concat('0',month(created_at)),2)) = YearMonth
GROUP BY YearMonth

Resultat :

| count_all | actual_year | actual_month |
|         3 |        2014 |           01 |
|         2 |        2014 |           02 |
|         1 |        2014 |           03 |
|         1 |        2014 |           04 |
|         1 |        2014 |           05 |
|         1 |        2014 |           06 |
|         0 |        2014 |           07 |
|         2 |        2014 |           08 |
|         1 |        2014 |           09 |
|         1 |        2014 |           10 |
|         1 |        2014 |           11 |
|         1 |        2014 |           12 |


Du kan också skapa tabellen istället för att generera den i en underfråga varje gång :

SQL Fiddle

MySQL 5.5 Schema Setup :

CREATE TABLE YearMonthTable(`tblYear` int, `tblMonth` int)

INSERT INTO YearMonthTable

Fråga :

SET @var_year = '2014'
SET @var_month = '1'

SET @from = STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(@var_year, '/', @var_month, '/01'), '%Y/%m/%d')

SELECT count(created_at) AS count_all,
       tblYear as actual_year,
       tblMonth as actual_month 
FROM YearMonthTable
LEFT OUTER JOIN creations ON year(created_at) = tblYear AND 
                             month(created_at) = tblMonth
WHERE STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(tblYear, '/', tblMonth, '/01'), '%Y/%m/%d') 
                                                    BETWEEN @from AND @to                               
GROUP BY tblMonth, tblYear
ORDER BY tblYear, tblMonth

Resultat :

| count_all | tblYear | tblMonth |
|         3 |    2014 |        1 |
|         2 |    2014 |        2 |
|         1 |    2014 |        3 |
|         1 |    2014 |        4 |
|         1 |    2014 |        5 |
|         1 |    2014 |        6 |
|         0 |    2014 |        7 |
|         2 |    2014 |        8 |
|         1 |    2014 |        9 |
|         1 |    2014 |       10 |
|         1 |    2014 |       11 |
|         1 |    2014 |       12 |

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