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Enskild fråga krävs för att hämta data från tabeller

1)all details from user_message

SELECT * FROM user_messages WHERE userid = <userID> AND messageid = <messageID>;

2)last 10 comments related to messageid in ascending order from comments table (one message can have multiple comments)which includes comment_id ,comment, comment_date,and details of commented_by(fname,lname,small_pic_path).

SELECT a.comment_id, a.comment, a.comment_date, b.fname || b.lname || c.small_pic_path "Commented by" 
FROM comments a, smusers b, profile_pic c, user_messages d
WHERE d.messageid = <messageID>
AND d.userid = b.id
AND b.id = c.userid
ORDER BY comment_date
LIMIT 0, 10;

3)all small_pic_path from post_images(one message can have multiple images),

SELECT small_pic_path
FROM post_images;

4)total likes from like table,

SELECT * FROM likes;

5)all details (smsusers.*,profile_pic.*) of sentby

You have not posted the structure of sentby

  1. Hur kopierar man från CSV-fil till PostgreSQL-tabell med rubriker i CSV-fil?

  2. PHP Fatalt fel:Anrop till odefinierad funktion mssql_connect()

  3. Ställ in databassortering i Entity Framework Code-First Initializer

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