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Uppföljning F:Jämför rader i Oracle Table och uppdatera matchande rader

update your_table
   set status='Matched'
 where id in(
    with IDS(id1,id2,grp,num,rnum) as(
     select a.id,b.id,
            rank() over(order by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity),
            case when a.id=lag(a.id) over(partition by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity order by a.id)
            then 0
            else dense_rank() over(partition by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity order by a.id) end,
            row_number() over(partition by a.tdate,a.price,a.product,a.quantity order by a.id)
       from your_table a, your_table b
      where a.tdate=b.tdate and a.price=b.price and a.product=b.product 
        and a.quantity=b.quantity
        and a.buysell='Sell' and b.buysell='Buy' and a.description!=b.description
    Q(id1,id2,grp,num,used) as(
      select id1,id2,grp,num,','||id2||','
        from IDS where rnum=1
      union all
      select I.id1,R.column_value,Q.grp,Q.num+1,Q.used||R.column_value||','
        from Q, IDS I,
                select min(id2) id from IDS N
                 where N.id1=I.id1
                   and Q.used not like '%,'||N.id2||',%'
             ) as sys.ODCINumberList)) R
       where I.grp=Q.grp and I.num=Q.num+1
 select decode(X,1,id1,id2)
   from Q,
        (select 1 X from DUAL union all select 2 from DUAL)
  where id2 is not null

  1. Felkod:1411. Felaktigt datetime-värde:'0000-00-00' för funktionen str_to_date

  2. Modellera UUID i Hibernate-enhet mot MySQL

  3. pg_dump med user dont superadmin och stora objekt

  4. Konvertera tidsstämpel till datum i Oracle SQL